
7 Foods for Healthy Skin and Hair - SoapyMania


7 Foods for Healthy Skin and Hair

by Alice Kazakov on Feb 19, 2019
12 Foods for Healthy Skin and Hair Of course skin care routines and the amount of stress we put upon ourselves plays a major role in how healthy or body is, but the factor no one really talked about is diet. Read on to learn more about different foods that can positively effect your skin and hair.
5 Skin Care Resolutions for the New Year - SoapyMania


5 Skin Care Resolutions for the New Year

by Alice Kazakov on Jan 14, 2019
We all have our own resolutions for 2019, whether it be go to the gym more often or call our parents every weekend, but we still need some personal skin care goals to achieve by 2020. They can be as simple as switching to an alcoholic free toner or moisturizing everyday but if we stick to our goals, we are sure to get one step closer to our ideal skin!
All About Acne - SoapyMania


All About Acne

by Alice Kazakov on Jan 01, 2019
Almost everyone has gotten a patch of acne at least once in their life, but do we really even know what it is? Read on to find about acne scarring, a simple skin care routine, things to avoid and more.
What Are The Benefits Of Coconuts? - SoapyMania


What Are The Benefits Of Coconuts?

by Alice Kazakov on Jul 25, 2018
Read on to learn the benefits from coconuts and their milk!
Benefits and Uses of Avocado for Health and Skin - SoapyMania


Benefits and Uses of Avocado for Health and Skin

by Alice Kazakov on Jun 24, 2018
6 benefits of avocado for the skin and body. Click and read to find out more!
Benefits and Uses of Green Tea Products - SoapyMania


Benefits and Uses of Green Tea Products

by Alice Kazakov on Jun 10, 2018
Green tea isn't just for sipping on a cold day, it has so many health benefits and it is used all over the world! Engrossed in this article is the health and body benefits of using green tea.
☀7 Tips Maintaining Healthy Skin In the Summer ☀ - SoapyMania


☀7 Tips Maintaining Healthy Skin In the Summer ☀

by Alice Kazakov on Jun 06, 2018
Summer is just around the corner which means our skin starts to get dry, oily and burnt. But what can we do to prevent these things? Here is a list of a few tips..
10 Best Essential Oils for Body and Mind - SoapyMania


10 Best Essential Oils for Body and Mind

by Alice Kazakov on May 20, 2018
If you read our last post, and you hopefully did, you would have read about aromatherapy benefiting our physical...
Aromatherapy - What is it good for? - SoapyMania


Aromatherapy - What is it good for?

by Alice Kazakov on May 15, 2018
Let’s talk about our health using aromatherapy. Aromatherapy has been around for ages and are now used to treat such conditions as insomnia...
6 Tips For Healthier and Younger Skin - SoapyMania


6 Tips For Healthier and Younger Skin

by Alice Kazakov on May 06, 2018
Although there may already be a lot of articles floating around on looking younger most of the newer ones involve unhealthy creams...